Mudras are a symbolic hand gesture that might be used in a yoga practice, such as in an asana, pranayama practice or meditation. It is a...

Guna is a sanskrit word meaning characteristic, attribute, quality or tendency. The three gunas will interact, and create energy, and...

We are more than just our physical body and in yoga we talk about the Koshas, which are the layers of the body that surround the soul....

Paths of Yoga
There are some different paths of yoga. I will explain some of the main forms here. Jnana yoga Jnana means knowledge and the main concept...

States of Mind and Obstacles
According to the yoga sutra (yoga texts) we have five levels of state of mind. We are aiming to move from the low levels to the highest...

The Eight Limbs of Yoga
The yoga sutra (yoga texts) explains the path of yoga as the eight limbs of yoga, they are also known collectively as astanga. I explain...

Yamas and Niyamas
Yoga helps with self-awareness, who we are, how we think and perceive things. We may then look to make changes, over time. In yoga the...

Bandhas are locks we can create in the body. According to yoga theory, we have a fire, agni, in the body around the naval. The flame...

Pranayama is the breath work practice in yoga. Prana is something that flows continuously inside of us, energising us and keeping us...

Asana is the Sanskrit word for posture. When we talk about yoga, it is what many people understand as yoga and the most commonly...