Agonda, Goa, India
My 300-hour advanced yoga teacher training course brought me to Goa in India. The course was run by Sampoorna Yoga who are based in...

300h Yoga Teacher Training - Final Thoughts and Reflecting on my Experience
This is a write up of my experience on the 300 hour yoga teacher training with Sampoorna Yoga in Goa India. If you haven’t already you...

300h Yoga Teacher Training - Week 4
This is a write up of my experience of week 4 of the 300 hour yoga teacher training with Sampoorna Yoga in Goa India. If you haven’t...

300h Yoga Teacher Training - Week 3
This is a write up of my experience in week 3 of the 300 hour yoga teacher training with Sampoorna Yoga in Goa India. If you haven’t...

300h Yoga Teacher Training - Week 2
This is a write up of my experience in week 2 of the 300-hour yoga teacher training with Sampoorna Yoga in Goa India. If you haven’t...

300h Yoga Teacher Training - Week 1
This is a write up of my experience in week 1 of the 300-hour yoga teacher training with Sampoorna Yoga in Goa India. If you haven’t...

300h Yoga Teacher Training - Before the Course
So, you have decided to enrol on a 300-hour yoga teacher training course! Here is my experience, tips and advice before you start the...

2018 Yoga Highlights
2018 was my second year of teaching yoga and I am loving it more than ever! As we reach the end of the year I wanted to share a round up...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a complaint caused by a compressed nerve in the carpal tunnel, a narrow passageway on the palm side of your...

Business Awards 2018
I was honoured to be shortlisted for a local Business Award this year and I was really shocked to win! Seven local businesses in the...