Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasanam)
Type: Standing Balance Level: Intermediate Steps: Take mountain pose. Bend your one leg and grab the toe with the two first fingers of...

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)
Type: Sitting Level: Beginner Steps: Sit up straight with your legs crossed. Keep your back strong and your chin parallel to the floor....

Reversed Prayer (Paschim Namaskarasana)
Type: Arms Level: Intermediate Steps: •Bring your arms behind your back and join the palms with fingertips facing downward. •As you...

Eight Angle Pose (Astavakrasana)
Type: Arm balance Level: Advance Steps: From seated pose with the legs stretched out in front, bend the right knee to the chest and bring...

Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvokonasana)
Type: Standing pose Level: Intermediate Steps: Spread the legs apart in standing. Rotate the right foot 90 degrees and the left foot...

Boat (Navasana)
Type: Seated pose Level: Intermediate Steps: Sit straight with legs bent and hands behind your head. Raise the half bent legs with the...

Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana)
Type: Standing balance Level: Intermediate Steps: Stand tall. Lean over to the side to bring your hand to the ground slightly ahead of...

Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
Type: Backbends Level: Intermediate Steps: Take plank pose. Bend arms, lowering pelvis and thighs. Arch the back upwards, keeps arms...

Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III)
Type: Standing balance Level: Intermediate Steps: From high lunge activate the core and on an exhale fold from the hips to lower the...

Camel (Ustrasana)
Type: Backbend Level: Intermediate Steps: Sit on your heels and lift your thighs and pelvis up and forward. Press your palms against your...