States of Mind and Obstacles
According to the yoga sutra (yoga texts) we have five levels of state of mind. We are aiming to move from the low levels to the highest state, where we are able to give things consistent focus and attention. Yoga, such as asana, pranayama, and meditation can help create conditions where we can find more focus in the mind to move through the different stages.

I will explain each of the states of mind, starting with the lowest to highest.
1. Kripta
This is the lowest level of the mind’s state where thoughts, feelings, and perceptions come and go quickly and one isn’t focused.
2. Mudha
This is a heavy state of mind where you might feel stuck or lazy. It could be a result of not sleeping well, having eaten a heavy meal, or having experienced loss or disappointment.
3. Vikipta
This is a common state of mind where the mind is moving but lacks direction and purpose.
4. Ekagrata
The mind is relatively clear and not easily distracted. We can move forwards.
5. Nirodha
The mind is completely focused and connected to where the attention should be.
We also have to avoid or overcome obstacles that can affect the mind:
• Illness (vyadhi) – need to take care of health.
• Lethargy (stayna) - avoid eating too much, eating the wrong types of food, cold weather.
• Doubt (samsaya)
• Haste/impatience (pramada)
• Resignation/fatigue (alasya) – need to regain motivation and enthusiasm.
• Distraction (avirati)
• Ignorance/Arrogance (bhrantidarsana) – we should not think we know everything and at no stage on the yoga path should we think we have become masters, instead we should work to be a little bit better day by day.
• Inability to take a new step (alabdhabhumikatva) – we need to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
• Loss of confidence (anavasthitatvani)
Overcoming obstacles
A yoga teacher can help you overcome obstacles. Pranayama can help and we think of exhaling what doesn’t serve us. Pranayama and asana can help quieten the mind from negative thoughts that can be obstacles. We can also focus on a divine power or god to help guide us in the right direction.