Your First Yoga Class
There is nothing to fear about your first yoga class and very little preparation needed. Here are a few useful things to note.

1. What to wear
Wear comfortable clothing such as leggings and a sports top. You will need to take off your shoes and socks for the class.
You can get quite warm during the practice so something that is cool to wear is recommended. There will be a few minutes of relaxation at the end when you will cool down so you might want to bring a jumper or blanket so that you can cover up and keep warm.
2. What to bring
Many centres provide yoga mats but it is probably best to check beforehand. You are welcome to bring your own yoga mat if you prefer.
If the centre has a booking system make sure you book your place beforehand to avoid disappointment.
3. Food/Drink
Keep well hydrated and drink plenty of water before and after the class. You can also bring water into the class and it is especially encouraged to drink plenty if it is a hot yoga class.
It is best not to do yoga on a full stomach so try and avoid eating too close before the class. If you feel you need a bit of energy perhaps have something light such as a banana.
4. When you arrive
Arrive with enough time to get changed and enter the studio in advance of the class starting. Avoid being rushed as it will cause you to be stressed and put you in the wrong frame of mind. Remember to turn your phone off so that it doesn’t disturb the class.
Tell the teacher that it is your first class as he/she will appreciate being made aware of this so that they can ensure they give you enough attention to explain things. You should also tell the teacher if you have any health conditions, injuries or pregnant so that they can advise you how to modify the poses or avoid anything that could be a problem for you.
5. Preparation
You might want to read about some of the common yoga poses or watch some beginner yoga sequences online before the class but there is no requirement to do this. If you let the teacher know it is your first class he/she will ensure you are guided appropriately through your first session.
6. Mind frame and what to expect
Don’t worry about your first class. You are only trying it out and if you don’t enjoy it you haven’t really lost anything and you never need to go again. I really doubt this will be the case though!
Be positive, look forward to the session and remember that you will only be going to your own limits. Everyone will be focused on themselves so there needs to be no concern around what other people will think of you.
You are there for yourself, to do something that is great for your mind and body and to relax.
Most importantly ENJOY and congratulate yourself for doing something new and something that is so good for you!