Patello-Femoral Syndrome
This is a problem affecting the knees. Yoga can help protect the knee from this condition. It is important to ensure alignment in yoga is...

Chakra Theory
Situated along the line of the spine are seven major energy centres known as chakras (from the Sanskrit meaning wheel), with a further...

The Importance of a good Breakfast
After not eating for a number of hours whilst sleeping, breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel. Nutritionists advise: Breakfast...

Yoga in Pregnancy - Third Trimester
The Third Trimester is the final period of Pregnancy from week 28 to the birth. It is a time for a more restful and relaxing practice to...

Yoga in Pregnancy - Second Trimester
The Second Trimester of Pregnancy is from week 13 to 26. The placenta is fully functional and hormone levels balance out. Women at this...

Yoga in Pregnancy - First Trimester
The First Trimester of Pregnancy is up to week 13. Take it easy and adjust to changing energy levels and hormones. Cautions: Listen to...