Chakra Theory
Situated along the line of the spine are seven major energy centres known as chakras (from the Sanskrit meaning wheel), with a further 122 minor ones situated in our joints, bones and nerves.

Energy flows within the body from the Chakra at the crown of the head (Sahasrara) down along the line of the spine through all the other major energy centres. It is important to keep this main energy channel clear with the ‘wheels’ turning smoothly since blockages of the energy flow between then can cause physical and mental problems.
Detail on the seven chakras is below:

In yoga the breath is used to direct the flow of prana through the body, avoiding blockages and rejuvenating all the body systems.
Further Reading (Theory of Chakras):
Chakra Theory (this is the first article in this series on Chakras and energy flows in the body
Nadis: Energy flow in the body