Fallen Angel Pose (Devaduuta Panna Asana)

Type: Balance
Level: Advanced
Props & Assistance:
You will need to be able to do side crow before attempting this pose.
You start off this pose by coming into side crow: From chair pose with palms at hearts centre, take your left elbow to the outside of your bent right knee, twisting to open the right. Continue to move more deeply into the twist. Sink the hips deeper and put the palms on the floor beside you (you may need to come up onto the balls of the feet to do this). Bend the elbows straight back and with a 90 degree angle (Chaturanga arm). Slowly begin to float both feet off the floor and draw heels to the buttocks. Keep the knees stcked on top of each other and lift the shins parallel to the floor.
From side crow slowly lower your temple to the ground. Hinging at your hips, activate your left leg, extend, and reach it up towards the sky. Your right leg should remain bent and slowly rotate up towards the sky. Remain in the pose for 5 breaths, then bring the legs back towards the arms in the side crow position and on an exhale lower the feet to the ground and repeat on the other side.
Preparatory poses:
•Side Crow
Follow up poses:
•Standing forward bend •Downward dog •Chataranga
•Strengthens arms and wrists •Tones the stomach and spine •Improves balance
•Wrist, shoulder or lower back problems
•If you are thinking of starting yoga and have a medical condition, it is advisable to check with your doctor.