Scorpion (Vrischikasana)

Type: Balance, Backbend
Level: Advanced
Start off in dolphin pose (downward dog on forearms). Bring your weight over towards the arms, coming light on the feet and lifting one leg in the air as high as you can. Kick the raised leg backwards and shift the body weight to balance over your hips. Now your weight is on your palms and forearms as you balance. Arch the back and aim to bring the feet as close to the head as possible by bending the knees, keeping the core engaged in the backbend. Head faces forward. Hold for a few breaths and slowly come back to the starting position on an exhale.
•Forearm stand
•Locust version
•Feet to head is the full version of this pose
Props & Assistance:
•Practice against a wall to help until you are comfortable with the balance.
•This is an advanced posture and it is advisable that you practice under the guidance of an instructor if you are new to the pose
Preparatory poses:
•Downward dog and dolphin help improve the strength in the arms. •Headstand and a regular forearm stand helps get used to balancing •Wheel pose helps improve the flexibility of the spine.
Follow up poses:
•Dolphin •Downward dog
•Childs pose to rest •Seated forward fold to counterbalance the backbend
•Suppine twists help release any tension in the spine
•Memory and concentration
•Strengthens arms and core
•Improves balance
•Improves flexibility of the spine
•Helps with hair loss (stimulates hair follicles)
•Releases tension in shoulders and spine
•Can help with slipped discs (under guidance of instructor)
•High or low blood pressure
•Heart Disease
•If you are thinking of starting yoga and have a medical condition, it is advisable to check with your doctor.