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Wide legged forward bend (Prasarita Paddotanasana)

Type: Forward Bend

Level: Beginner


Stand with your feet leg-legth apart and hands on the hips. Bend forward as far as you can with your back kept straight.

There are different options you can take with the arms (see variations).

Props & Assistance:

Place hands on blocks instead of the floor if you have difficulty reaching the floor.


Options for the arms:

•Touching the ground in front of you •First two fingers hook the big toes

•Reversed prayer •Clasped behind the back and lifting the arms up and over the head

•Bring hands and crown of the head onto the ground. Lift the feet up into an inversion for a tripod headstand.

Preparatory poses:

•Usually sequenced near end of a standing pose practice •Downward dog •Bound angle •Standing forward bend

Follow up poses:

•Bound angle •Crow •Seated forward bend •Headstand •Extended side angle


•Strengthens and stretches the inner and back of the legs and the spine •Tones the abdominal organs •Calms the brain •Relieves mild backache Theraputic applications: •Headache •Fatigue •Mild depression


•Lower back problem

•If you are thinking of starting yoga and have a medical condition, it is advisable to check with your doctor.

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