Revolved Hand to Big Toe (Parivrtta Hasta Padangusthasana)

Type: Twisted Standing Balance
Level: Intermediate
Take mountain pose. Bend one leg and grab the toe with the two first fingers of the the opposite hand. Put your other hand on your hip. Open your chest and stand tall.
Props & Assistance:
Hold the pose for longer by supporting the raised-leg foot on the top edge of the back of a chair. Set the chair an inch or two from a wall and press your raised heel to the wall.
You can keep the hand on the hip or open it out to the side, which helps open up the chest. You could also place the fingers in a mudra position and have a bend to the arm.
Preparatory poses:
•Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
•Reclining Hero
•Standing forward bend
Follow up poses:
•Standing forward bend •Downward dog •Cobra
•Strengthens legs and ankles
•Stretches back of the legs
•Stretch for the spine
•Improves balance
•Improves concentration and patience.
•Ankle or lower back injuries •Avoid if pregnant
•If you are thinking of starting yoga and have a medical condition, it is advisable to check with your doctor.