Crow / Crane Pose (Bakasana)

Type: Balance
Level: Advanced
Squat down and place your palms on the floor. Press your knees against your shoulder bone, pressing closer to your armpits. Move your weight forward to your arms and try to lift the fee from the floor to balance on your hands.
Option to move one leg away from your arm to straighten and raise it out.
The key difference between the two poses is that Crow pose is performed with bent arms whereas Crane pose is performed with straight arms.
There are also side variations of this pose - side crow.
Props & Assistance:
•Starting off squatting on a block so that your feet are a few inches off the ground may help lifting off the ground if you find this difficult.
•Practice bringing one foot off the ground at a time whilst you practice getting the balance.
Preparatory poses:
•Downward dog •Bound angle •Childs •Plank Pose •Hero
Follow up poses:
•Downward dog •Chaturanga Plank •Plank Pose
•Strengthens arms and wrists •Stretches the upper back •Strengthens abdominal muscles •Opens the groins •Tones abdominal organs
•Carpal tunnel syndrome •Pregnancy
•If you are thinking of starting yoga and have a medical condition, it is advisable to check with your doctor.