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Tortoise Pose (Kurmasana)

Type: Forward bend

Level: Advanced


Sit straight with your legs bent and wide apart. Bending forward put your right arms under your knee and thighs. Press your legs against your shoulder bones and bend your torso and head down towards the ground.

Props & Assistance:

Sit on a folded blanket if you have tightness in your hips or lower back

Preparatory poses:

•Archer •Standing forward bend •Seated forward bend

•Wide legged seated forward bend •Staff •Downward dog

Follow up poses:

•Childs •Downward dog •Corpse


•Strengthens the back •Tones the abdominal organs •Encourages flexibility in the hips •Quietens the mind •Helps internalise


•Menstruation •Pregnancy •Herniated disks •Problems with lower back muscles

•If you are thinking of starting yoga and have a medical condition, it is advisable to check with your doctor.

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