Bow (Dhanurasana)
Type: Backbend Level: Intermediate Steps: Lie on stomach with legs at hips width. Bend knees and raise head and upper torso to try and...

Lord of the Dance (Natarajasana)
Type: Backbend / Standing balance Level: Advanced Steps: Stand up straight. Bend one leg and grab the shin with the hand on the same...

Childs pose (Balasana)
Type: Seated Level: Beginner Steps: Sit with legs bent underneath in a kneeled position. Bend the torso and arms out in front and rest...

Lotus (Padmasana)
Type: Sitting Level: Advanced Steps: Sit with legs crossed. Place one foot to the groin and rotate the foot so the outer part rests on...

The Importance of a good Breakfast
After not eating for a number of hours whilst sleeping, breakfast provides the body and brain with fuel. Nutritionists advise: Breakfast...

Yoga in Pregnancy - Third Trimester
The Third Trimester is the final period of Pregnancy from week 28 to the birth. It is a time for a more restful and relaxing practice to...

Yoga in Pregnancy - Second Trimester
The Second Trimester of Pregnancy is from week 13 to 26. The placenta is fully functional and hormone levels balance out. Women at this...

Yoga in Pregnancy - First Trimester
The First Trimester of Pregnancy is up to week 13. Take it easy and adjust to changing energy levels and hormones. Cautions: Listen to...