Quadricep Muscles
The Quadriceps are the large muscle group at the front of the thigh. The quads are divided into four distinct portions and act to extend the leg.

At the front of the Thigh.
All four parts of the quadriceps group come from the tibial tuberosity (the bump of the tibia located just below the kneecap).
The other ends of the muscles attach at different places.
Tension in this muscle can affect the hip joint.
Vastus Medialis – attached to the femur on the inside
Vastus Lateralis - attached to the femur on the outside
Vastus Intermedius - attached to the femur between the above
Rectus Femoris – crosses the knee and the hip joint and attaches to the pelvis (not the femur). It can create movement of the hip and knee because it is a two joint muscle (it can affect the movement of two joints).
Yoga implications:
The quadriceps can restrict several movements in yoga postures:
e.g. Hero Pose (Virasana) - restriction through not allowing the knees to flex completely.
e.g. Backbends – restrict the ability to posteriorly tilt the pelvis.
Further reading:
This is one of the muscle groups that can have an impact on the hip joint. Read more about the Hip Joint in a separate article.
You can also read separate articles on other muscles around the hip joint:
The Quadriceps (this article is one of the articles in the series)
The Hamstrings
The Adductors
The Gluteals
The Deep Six Lateral Rotators
The Psoas